January 9, 2012

Month Long Challenge to De-Clutter

The Captain of our EcoEtsy team has posed a challenge for anyone willing to take it on - one month of decluttering and tracking what leaves your house.  I am taking the challenge to de-clutter which shouldn't be too much of a stretch for me considering I try to rid myself of non-functional items all the time.

However, since moving to Arizona I haven't done a semi-annual mega-purge yet.  It is absolutely time!  Plus I was talking last year about getting rid of anything not awesome and clutter, in my world, is so not awesome!

You can check out the challenge over at ecokaren at the challenge to de-clutter link above and feel free to join in the fun!  Don't forget to sign the pledge and link back.  I'm excited to start MY list of stuff that's leaving my space!


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